What’s the Deal with Red Light Therapy?

So you may have seen an Instagram advertisement (or 3) where they are advertising at home red light therapy devices for overall better health and anti-aging. If you haven’t, then I’m sure you will now (shout out to the algorithm)!

Anyway, as much as these LED light therapy devices can look trendy, relaxing, and even a little robotic, is the red light actually beneficial? Well, as much as I can’t speak for every brand or device, the whole idea of light therapy administered correctly and safely is phenomenal for cellular health and wellness. Here are 5 ways that LED light therapy can enhance your wellness routine.

  1. Anti-Aging & Reducing Fine Lines / Wrinkles

    The most commonly rumored benefit to red light therapy is its profound effects on anti-aging, and it’s not false! Proven red and near-infrared wavelengths of light from the device in office known as “Celluma”, combat signs of aging and expression by increasing collagen and elastin production, two very common proteins in connective tissue. When you relax underneath the LED screen for 20-30 minutes, these specific wavelengths will activate and increase the number of fibroblasts, the cells responsible for producing the collagen and elastin. As with most modalities, consistency will always yield the best results. This is because fibroblasts make collagen fibers, so the more fibroblasts in the skin, the more collagen fibers will be produced which “fill-in” fine lines.

  2. Killing Bacteria causing Acne and Redness

    All the rage is red light therapy, but did you know that blue light therapy is also very effective for acne and redness in the skin? Blue light kills the acne-causing bacteria that is built up under the skin’s surface. While blue light is working to kill the bacteria, it is paired with pulsing red light in the Celluma to reduce inflammation and improve tone and texture.

  3. Reducing Body pain & Injury

    Whether pain is something you are suffering with chronically, or you have had an acute injury, near-infrared light comes to the rescue by working at a cellular level. What makes red light therapy different than a typical heating pad or compress, is the light provides therapeutic benefits very deep beyond the skin’s surface. The deeply penetrating heat boosts tissue repair by increasing blood flow to the area to bring fresh nutrients and restore cell generation. The endorphins released in this process will reduce pain and discomfort, while enhancing tissue repair will shorten healing time.

  4. Enhancing Fertility Outcomes

    In a world where women’s health is widely more spoken about (finally!), it is important to know the benefits of red light therapy for reproductive health. Red light wavelengths when placed over the abdomen, increase blood flow to the reproductive organs, and similar to the other cellular benefits in the face and pain areas, increase cellular health and turnover. This is because the red light therapy increases adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production, a molecule responsible for cellular energy. Reproductive cells found in the ovaries known as oocytes, require a lot of cellular energy to eventually divide to form an ovum. Red light therapy can in turn help this process by increasing ATP production, while also increasing blood flow and decreasing inflammation.

  5. Stimulating Hair Growth

    Many men and women understand the frustration of hair loss and patchiness. Luckily, consistent red light therapy exposure has been known to stop hair loss in its tracks and promote regrowth for individuals with androgenic alopecia or patterned baldness. The increase in the microcirculation when placed on the scalp allows for stimulating the metabolism of the follicles that are responsible for the growth of healthy, thick hair.

Whatever your goals are, red light therapy offers a natural, non-invasive treatment option for many. At Two River Acupuncture, the combination of red light therapy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and moxibustion supports patients on their various health journeys. No matter what type of treatment you book, Celluma LED light therapy can always be added on to treatment. We are always researching the best ways to offer care and have found these protocols to be exciting, supportive and successful. 

Dr. Karly McDermott DACM, L.Ac

Dr. Karly is a nationally board certified and NJ state licensed acupuncturist and herbalist. She prioritizes adapting ancient medicinal practices to modern living. Her specialties include holistic anti-aging, acute and chronic pain conditions, and women’s health.


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