How Acupuncture Supports a Healthy Immune System

It’s that time of year again, where it may seem like someone in your household is always coming down with something and you are crossing your fingers that your spring break vacation won’t get ruined! Even though most of us are well versed in keeping our medicine cabinets stocked with vitamins and over the counter cold and flu remedies, there is something else we can add to our routines to help with these winter-woes, acupuncture and herbal medicine. Scientific research has revealed that acupuncture can help regulate and support our immune systems. Acupuncture and TCM herbal medicine keep our defenses strong during peak cold and flu season, and as we transition into spring and allergy season.

How Can Acupuncture Help Prevent Infection?

One of the best ways that acupuncture and TCM benefit immunity is through preventative treatments. Acupuncture treats the body as a whole, nourishing overall well-being, thus providing a protective “shield” from outside germs. This holistic approach to medicine promotes the body’s natural functions by bringing the body back to homeostasis, improving sleep, digestion, and decreasing stress. All of which allow for a stronger immune system.

How Can Acupuncture Restore Immune Function?

So maybe you are finding out about the preventative benefits of acupuncture and it is too late as you or one of your loved ones has already come down with something. No stress, acupuncture and herbs can help you find relief of symptoms in times of need. Although the unpleasant symptoms will be reduced with consistent treatment, the beauty of acupuncture is it will also treat the underlying cause of the disease, helping to speed up the healing process.

Acupuncture’s Impact on Immune Cells

Studies have shown that acupuncture boosts the production of immune cells in the body, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and crucially, T cells. It can also strengthen the immune system and individuals with immune related conditions by stimulating the replication of the cells and enhancing overall defenses.

Four Acupuncture Points that Boost the Immune System

As much as regular acupuncture can benefit the immune system, specific points must be stimulated to have the most profound effects. These four points are not only super effective when needled by a licensed acupuncturist, but they are easy to locate and can be stimulated at home through acupressure.

  • Stomach 36 (ST 36): Located on the outside of the lower leg, just below the knee, this point is universally used in many treatments for its overall strengthening, yet calming effect. The energizing benefits of this point is great to help give you the strength to fight off infection. To find this point, cup your hand over your knee, your fourth finger should land in a sensitive spot, just outside of the shin bone.

  • Large Intestine 4 (LI 4): This point is considered the command point of the face and mouth, having its shining moment for pain and congestion in the head. Additionally this point has a great anti-inflammatory effect for pain anywhere in the body. This point can be found on the back side of your hand, in the center of the fleshy part between the thumb and the index finger.

  • Lung 7 (LU 7): Located between two tendons that are near the bony lump that’s about an inch below your wrist on the same side as your thumb. This point is known as the command point of the head and neck, having great effect on headache and migraine that can come with the common cold. Additionally, this point opens up the lungs to help with breathing and congestion.

  • Large Intestine 11 (LI 11): A phenomenal point for reducing fever and prevention of cold and flu, LI 11 is a must-have with immunity treatments. This point is also great for sore throat and even digestive upset that can come alongside coming down with something. It can be found at the end of the crease on the forearm that is created when the elbow is bent.

All of these points can be massaged and pressed at home for about 30 seconds each before moving to the next point, for a total of 5 minutes, once or twice a day. It is important to not that these points should not be stimulated during pregnancy unless done under the supervision of a licensed acupuncturist.

In conclusion, acupuncture serves as a powerful tool to strengthen your immune system and promote overall better wellbeing. If you are ready to decrease your sick days and integrate acupuncture into your wellness routine, you can book an appointment online at, or by calling 732-579-1025 for a free consult. Herbal medicine for prevention and active infection can be picked up in the office. Invest in your journey to a healthier, more relaxed life.

Dr. Karly McDermott DACM, L.Ac

Dr. Karly is a nationally board certified and NJ state licensed acupuncturist and herbalist. She prioritizes adapting ancient medicinal practices to modern living. Her specialties include holistic anti-aging, acute and chronic pain conditions, and women’s health.

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