5 Ways Acupuncture Can Support Women’s Health

It’s no secret that issues with women’s health can be downplayed in modern day doctor’s offices. Period pain can be seen as “normal” or “psychosomatic” (don’t worry- we have a hormonal birth control pill for that). Fertility issues can be labeled as “part of the natural aging process for women”. Hot flashes can be known as a typical ride along for a woman going through menopause. While Western medicine is phenomenal for many conditions, there is a large gap when it comes to women’s health and how to manage symptoms when there is no diagnosis. Luckily, one of Chinese medicine’s strengths is treating the conditions and patterns in women’s health all across the globe. Here are 5 different ways acupuncture and Chinese medicine can benefit you, a friend, or your partner/spouse.

  1. Menstrual Health: reduction of period pain, regulation of cycles, and minimizing PMS.

    Just as you are different from every other woman you’ve ever known, so is your menstrual cycle (or lack there of). At Two River Acupuncture, we will do a deep dive surrounding your menses, all the way from menarche to your last cycle. This is because we treat you holistically, so we can treat the root of the issue, not just the symptom. Through the usage of acupuncture and herbal remedies, we will be able to address your painful periods, irregular periods, absent periods, heavy periods, spotting, etc. Even with modern diagnosis of conditions such as PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and endometriosis, the symptoms are common with what Chinese medicine and acupuncture have already been treating for thousands of years.

  2. Fertility: to support natural conception or an adjunct to IVF & IUI.

    Whether you are just starting to try to become pregnant, or you have been on your fertility journey for quite a while, regular acupuncture can support your needs. In fact, studies have shown that acupuncture may improve the IVF outcome possibly by decreasing blood flow impedance and increasing the uterine blood flow, inhibiting uterine motility, reducing depression, anxiety and stress, and modulating the immune factors, especially cytokines. In other words, acupuncture can help direct blood to the uterus for thickening of endometrium lining, and increase the energy needed for implantation.

  3. Pregnancy: aches and pains during pregnancy, morning sickness, breech baby presentation & labor preparation.

    The rate in which a woman’s body undergoes changes during pregnancy is astonishing. It is important that we can keep up with them so you can enjoy one of the most beautiful experiences of your life. The adaptations that your body natural makes to accommodate another living being can make it common to experience a wide range of symptoms such as morning sickness, pain, fatigue, insomnia/trouble sleeping, swelling etc. Receiving regular acupuncture treatments throughout your pregnancy can help mitigate these symptoms. Not to mention that during the third trimester, acupuncture modalities can be used to turn a breech baby to avoid a c-section, and also prep the body for labor by ripening the cervix to lead to an easier and less painful labor.

  4. Postpartum: mental and physical health of Mom.

    While bringing a child into this world is a beautiful component of being a woman, it is also an exhausting one. Commonly, women who give birth can feel extremely fatigued afterwards due to exertion and/or loss of blood. Acupuncture and herbal medicine along with proper dietary advice, can be a great tool to help get you back on your feet to enjoy all the little things that motherhood has to offer. Not to mention, that mental health of mom is just as important postpartum as is physical. Acupuncture can help release endorphins to improve mood and combat postpartum depression.

  5. Menopause: reducing hot flashes and night sweats and insomnia

    Perimenopause and menopause will affect women in many different ways. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help assist with this transition by reducing hot flashes and night sweats, improving mood, and decreasing insomnia.

Whatever stage of life you are in as a women, your body should be treated with honor as the women’s reproductive system is just as much complex as it is beautiful. At Two River Acupuncture, I am here to do just that!

Dr. Karly McDermott DACM, L.Ac

Dr. Karly is a nationally board certified and NJ state licensed acupuncturist and herbalist. She prioritizes adapting ancient medicinal practices to modern living. Her specialties include holistic anti-aging, acute and chronic pain conditions, and women’s health.


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